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Its been a little while since we updated people on the upcoming new range of caving suits by GEO Technical Equipment. Do not fear, we have some updates which will be detailed here.

First of all, we have seen, handled and tested the first samples available in the UK. These suits were not the finished products and had some further planned features missing but the main suit itself was as the designers had planned. The suit was well made and had some great improvments over some other caving suit brands. We also learned that these suits will be called the 'Kingsdale' range of caving suits with a 'Kingsdale Comfort' option available aswell.


The 'Comfort' range will have a larger core body including the hips, waist and chest. This is to allow people to hopefully select a suit that fits their core as well as their extemities without having to compromise on one or the other. Of course Cordura style materials do not stretch so making a range of suits that fits everyone is very difficult indeed.


The pocket on the front has been made deeper to allow storage of slightly larger items such as modern smart phones in cases and so forth. There is also a small pocket on the arm which is the perfect size to allow storage of head torch bateries, a knife or similar.


GEO seem to have reinforced the crotch area by tripple lining the critical seam intenally. This will hopefully see the days of splitting suits behind us, time will tell. The sleve closure is undergoing an amendment from the sample we saw but we have been told it will be sewn into a cordura style tab which will make it stronger and longer lasting. Some brands just have a velcro strap which wears qucikly and is often replaced.


The GEO Caving suits feature a certified 2000mm waterproof coating on the inside of the heavy duty 500D material. The usual areas are reinforced for harder wearing and abrasion resistance.


GEO Technical Equipment have also decided to bring some colour to the caving world with 4 different colour options available at current. These options include the usual Red + Black but also on offer are Purple + Yellow, Green + Grey and Ligh Blue + Black. All of the colours looked great and we are sure they will be very popular.


Probably one of the biggest things to say about these suits is the price point... We have been told that a RRP of just £99.99 will be expected when these suits launch in the UK in early 2024. With the first 50 units sold being offered at an even better promitional rate than this as part of GEO Technical Equipment product launch plans. You can apply to get your hands on one of the first edition suits by emailing us here at Trogg Shop or by contacting GEO Technical Equipment directly.


We expect these suits to be available to the UK market from around Febuary 2024 with their official 'Launch' being at the end of March 2024 at the National Outdoors Expo in Birmingham. Watch this space for further updates.

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